Ear Infections Relief
Ear Infections and Chiropractic Care
If you have kids, it's likely you know a thing or two about ear infections. In the United States, five out of six children experience an ear infection by three years old. Children are more prone to ear infections due to their immature Eustachian tube (part of the middle ear), which in infancy and early childhood is shorter and angled. This allows bacteria to more easily access the middle ear. While ear infections are most common in children, adults can experience them as well.
Luckily, there are non-drug treatments for this common condition. Read on to learn about how chiropractic can decrease ear infections.
Symptoms and Causes
Ear infections are caused by a bacteria or virus in the middle ear, and can be painful due to inflammation and a build-up of fluids. Colds, flu and allergies can bring on an ear infection due to the congestion and swelling of nasal passages, throat and Eustachian tubes.
In most cases, the symptoms and signs of ear infection develop rapidly.
The most common symptoms include:
Ear pain, worsened when lying down
Difficulty sleeping
Drainage of fluid from the ear
Diminished hearing
Loss of balance
Symptoms to Look for in Children
Tugging or pulling at an ear
Difficulty sleeping
Crying more than usual
Irritable/changes in mood
Lack of response to sounds
Fevers over 100° F
Medical Treatment of Ear Infections
Typically, ear infections clear up on their own, so low intervention is often the best route to take. Medical doctors will sometimes recommend antibiotics, especially for infants and in severe cases, as well as NSAIDs to relieve pain. Unfortunately, there are side effects associated with short and long-term antibiotic and NSAID usage, and it's best to use them as sparingly as possible.
Chiropractic Care for Treating Ear Infections
Developing research and studies do indicate a connection between ear infections and chiropractic. Popular pediatric doctor, William Sears, MD, highly recommends utilizing chiropractic treatment for improving middle ear drainage and decreasing ear infections.
In a 1996 study, forty-six children under the age of five received regular chiropractic adjustments to treat the symptoms of ear infection, and researchers found that 93 percent of all episodes improved, 75 percent in 10 days or fewer and 43 percent with only one or two treatments.
Make an appointment to talk to our doctor about chiropractic and ear infections.
North Charleston Chiropractor